Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Semester 2 Project: Creating a new Question

This week I have been reflecting on the direction  my research and practical work has taken; as it has shifted into refining my practice I feel my question should represent this. 

I have been asking myself since the beginning of my MA ‘What kind of concept artist do i want to be?’ with my Semester 1 question explored the broadness of concept art in a general sense as it focused on identifying the fundamentals of concept art and how these fundamentals are applied to games. I find that rather than wanting to be a generalist concept artist the themes and style of my art suits the role of a specialist concept artist.

I would like to show that this question is the stage of my MA where I refine my subject and focus on the specialism of my concept art and explain how I create that process in the form of a pipeline. 

Here are some examples of how I'm trying to word my question - most of them share similar wording and phrases as what I would like my semester 2 / 3 work to have a focus on is the specialism of my concept art and explaining how I create that process / pipeline.  


‘Crafting charming concept art and how that can be achieved through the pipeline of a specialist’

Question 2: 

‘Crafting a specialist concept art pipeline and understanding how to apply this to games with charming folk themes’

Question 3:

‘Identifying the themes of folk tales and how to craft a concept art pipeline with these themes’

Question 4:

‘Deconstructing the importance of research when crafting concept art for games that explore folk tale themes’ 

Question 5:

‘How crafting a research driven concept art pipeline can be applied to a video game’ 

Question 6:

‘Deconstructing the visuals of folk tales and how this can be replicated or improve a piece of concept art’ 

Question 7:

‘Understanding what makes a piece of concept art convey the look and feel we associate with folk tales and folk culture’

Question 8:

‘Exploring the pipeline of a specialist concept artist and how this can craft concept art for a game with folk tale influences’

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