Friday, January 8, 2021

Semester 1 Project: Quill Concept Art, Initial Concepts 1

Sketch 1: This sketch follows more closely to the prompt with the sewing kit concept, the world I envisioned for Quill in this concept was one that focused on the leftover items from humans and the mice using them with large pieces of fabric fashioned into clothes and scissors made into swords. If i had explored this further i would have created concepts of swords and armour made from pocket watches and tea sets. 

Sketch 2: This sketch is the more folkish and fairy tale-esque of the concepts, my idea was that as Quill lives in a woodland village i could apply that to her design with mushrooms by having them as part of her home and her clothing/weapon with gold prints of mushrooms decorating her dress and even having real mushrooms tied to her sleeves. While developing this idea with mushrooms I decided to look at different images of mushrooms, I came across an image of mushrooms growing on a branch and this gave the idea to have Quill’s sword made of wood so that mushrooms could grow from and be used as a function to blind, stun or poison the enemy. I based the design of the wooden sword off viking swords because when looking up sword designs i came across a fact about how vikings believed eating hallucinogenic mushrooms gave them strength to battle so they would design the handles of their swords to resemble these mushrooms.  

Sketch 3: My idea for sketch 3 was to look at how Quill and the members of her village would utilise the woodland around them by collecting, weaving and carving branches into tools.

Quill Initial Concept 1

Research: I first started my research for this initial concept by looking more into hand-crafted mice figurines and ornaments to give me ideas on how to approach the design, what i found useful about this research was how to look at making such a small character as I found numerous types of mice that were unique and full of personality in their use of materials like wool, fabric and buttons for clothing and poses that would lead you to think they were alive. 

Image References:

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